Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Last night, my friend Jeff and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire at the local theatre.

Before I discuss the film, I think it's important to describe the context in which I watched it.

Jeff and I walked from the Metro to the theatre, around 8:30 at night. Past the vendors lining the streets, the men muttering "looks nice" and "hello" in my general direction, around the garbage and human waste cluttering the gutters, past the barter-at-will market that inevitably swallows me up and tosses me into some sort of directionless, infinite sensory overload every time I enter, and into the strangely air-conditioned building that houses a Domino's, KFC, Barista, and movie theatre. The seats are assigned, like an actual theatre, and there are four prices - 40, 60, 80, and 120 rupees, based on balcony location (there are two levels and the floor) and proximity to the screen. You can openly bring food into the theatre, rather than smuggle it under your coat like my mom taught me. You can talk throughout the movie. It's normal to clap and yell things at the screen. There's a seemingly randomly-placed intermission, during which men walk through the aisles, over feet and knees, selling plastic-packaged popcorn and styrofoam-cupped coffee. And, just like everywhere else in Kolkata, the women are mostly wearing sarees. Which, in juxtaposition with the Western-influenced movie theatre and GIANT screen, causes the idea that we're really just a bunch of Indians in America to somehow creep into my mind. We brought vegetable rolls (not like spring rolls - like the Indian version of a burrito) and garlic bread from Domino's (a splurge) into the movie. We got there two minutes late (...still early for me...), but still in time for the previews, which were for Western movies that are long gone to DVD in the States.

...and then Slumdog Millionaire began.


First of all, if you haven't seen this movie, go see it. Now. Ignore your schedule and take a trip to Blockbuster. Also, don't finish reading this post until you see the movie. Sorry. It's necessary.

If you have seen it, and have had any questions about what living in Kolkata looks like - it looks like that. Just like that. No changes. None. Yes, Kolkata is a different city than Mumbai, but seriously, this movie, especially the first scene, looked just as if I stepped out of Apne Aap or Kalighat or, uh, the back of my hostel. And what really blew my mind within the first ten minutes is this: two months ago, the setting of this movie would have looked like...a movie. I would have admired the cinematography and said "oooooh that looks fun." Probably would have laughed at the dogs, and seen the movie as a nicely-imagined not-reality. And's just plain accurate. Interesting, but in a "oh hey, I live there" way. Not in a "wow, what's that?" way.

I'm living in a place that I would have seen as fictional two months ago.

But there really is that much garbage. There really are dogs everywhere. There really are adorable, dirty kids holding screaming babies who appear out of nowhere at your car windows and ask for money whenever traffic stops. Remember the scenes with the overhead shots of the traffic? With the funny little golf-cart looking things? Those are auto-rickshaws. And that's exactly what the traffic looks like. Always. And that little head-tilt that Jamal did throughout the movie, to mean yes and no and maybe? HEAD WOBBLE. And remember the garlands of yellow flowers on the photos in the police station? Those garlands hang on photos everywhere here. Same with the random slabs of meat hanging in shops. There's a street on the way to the Motherhouse that has approximately twenty butcher shops, all containing numerous huge slabs of dead animal hanging in the open, and occasionally a full skinned pig.

The only components that are inaccurate are the women's clothing (there is not even close to that much Western influence in Kolkata - but I haven't been to Mumbai), the accents (not prominent enough, but I'm sure that was a Western-film choice), the copious amounts of spoken English (most of the movie should have been in Hindi), the PDA (kissing at a train station = not okay) and the depiction of the kid as the god Rama, who was definitely dressed as Shiva. That was weird.

So...there's one part of the movie Kept me awake all night. There's this one flashback where this guy swipes a bunch of kids and teaches them how to sing. At this point, I looked at Jeff wide-eyed and mouthed "no. no. no. no. no." There's an old, blind man who lives and begs on Sudder street. He has the most beautiful voice I've heard in a long time. He walks around with a younger man who guides him, and all the blind man does is walk and sing. And that's how he begs. And he's one of the only beggars to whom I'll give money, because he sings, rather than just asking for money and holding a crying baby. And honestly, every time I see him I realize that there are some beggars here who actually aren't lying, and somehow, in some strange way, that makes me feel awkwardly hopeful. But Jeff noticed a few weeks ago that he cries when he sings. He's not the only crying, blind, singing beggar. They're all over Kolkata. And it's odd, as Jeff recently noted, that there are so many blind people in Kolkata who are so good at singing. ...then we saw Slumdog Millionaire.

And now I can't help but picture all of these old, singing, blind men as kids, getting their eyes burned out with acid and being sent into the streets to beg for money.

I've tried to find out whether that really is exactly how these men all became blind and learned to sing, but Google searching has proven inconclusive. As awful as it is...the rest of the movie was so accurate, that I find it difficult to believe this part was manufactured. Especially when it's such a probable explanation for an over-abundance of blind, singing men.

And then...I wonder about the blind orphans at Daya Dan, and my stomach turns.


Okay, that's all.

Except...the random dancing and singing at the end of the movie? Pure Bollywood. Hooray!


P.S. I'm hennaed. I'll post pictures when I can.
P.P.S. I adore Apne Aap. Teaching is difficult, but coming up with creative ways to get my girls to learn is a lot of fun. My translators have been gone for about two weeks. I'm on my own, teaching for two and a half hours Monday through Friday. Prayer would be very much appreciated. Also, I still haven't figured out whether my gorgeous, 17-to-22-year-old friends/students are prostitutes. I might ask one of the directors soon.
P.P.P.S. There are five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten-year-old kids at Apne Aap who ask me for paper and pens the exact same way kids on the street ask for money - with a head wobble and a smile and an "Auntie, please, Auntie, please." I worry about what they do after school.
P.P.P.P.S. Despite the sadness in this place, I'm completely in love with India.


Beth Nudelman said...

Wow. Thanks for the great post and insight, Stephanie. As you know, Dad and I saw Slumdog Millionaire a week or two ago. It is still in first run theaters, by the way, so Blockbuster won't have it yet. But probably by April... So I hope you will watch it again with me, because I would love your running commentary while sitting next to me!
I am so happy that you are enjoying teaching. And while I hope that your students are not prostitutes, know that even if they are, at least they are not "working" while they are in your classes, and your classes will help give them the knowledge they need to get a better "job".

Love you,

P.S. My word is edismsz; as in you are educating the misses! <3

Chris Lutman said...

what do you mean "i still worry about what thy do after school"?

Chris Lutman said...

nana said...


Lori said...

I saw this movie on Friday with my friends and totally thought of you. I read your blog all the time, even though I don't comment (my dad reads it, too), and we think about you a lot. I'm so proud and inspired by the work you're doing. Love!

Emma said...

it's so nice to hear your thoughts on the movie...i thought it was tragic but also fantastic. and i looooooved the dancing at the end!! :)

Anonymous said...

AHHH I talked to you this morning!!!!

Ahem. Right. The blog.

I really want to see 'Slumdog Millionaire.' It's pretty amazing that this little movie came out of nowhere and won so many awards. I'll make that my next rental.

And then I'll get to see where you are!!! Kinda!

Wow, the blind singing horrible. If it's true. I hope it's not.

Miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you

Mitylog: when your mittens are wet and you lay them on a log to dry.

For The King and His Kingdom said...

Stephanie, saw the movie last night and thought about you often, prayed often. Wondered if this is what you see everyday and knew in my spirit it was. Know that you are being lifted up sister and prayers are laying the foundation for every step you take.

in Him,
Paul and Heather Fey
from Eastview

sunhun said...

I must say, as an east indian born and raised in Edmonton, Canada, but also as a representative of Indian culture, that the beggers being sent to the streets is exactly how it is in India. It is such an old civilization, dating back further than 5000 years, and extremely traditional. only in the last decade have Indian people opened up to Western philosophies. If you go to india today, it is just as worse as it always has been when it comes to poverty. the way i'd describe it is, "organized poverty." The sorrow i feel for the beggars is immense, however the evil that is behind it, is so hard to fight. There are men and women who kidnap, then handicap the poor (which is roughly 20% - 25% of the population = that is almost 200-250 million people!!!!!) and make them beg on commission. It is a beautiful story, but shameful for me to think that this film alone has attracted so much attention towards the concern of poverty and injustice carried with it. I feel like packing my bags and going on a humanitarian mission on so many occasions, but how much does it take to make a dent of a difference.