Friday, December 12, 2008


Hello! I'm here. Ate food. Drank bottled water. Broke the seal on the water so I knew it was safe. Staying at Modern Lodge - 200 rupees per night, total. Which means it's really only 100 per night. It's a nice room.

Actually, it's only ten rupees for a half hour of computer usage, so I'm going to stop typing like it's a telegraph.

Anyway! I'm HERE!! The flights were great! Last night, we stayed over in the New Delhi airport. We met a group of missionaries - they're working in Nagaland, running schools and teaching kids so they can know enough to earn scholarships and go to larger schools. Awesome. :-) Actually, we've met and gotten to know a lot of people - from Spain, France, Australia - yeah. It's wonderful. My tiny bits of French and Spanish are helping. :-)

Prof. Hatcher - if you're reading this, you were completely right about language immersion = fast learning. I literally learned the entire Bangla alphabet in the taxi on the way from the airport. Hooray!

So...there are people everywhere. OMIGOSH I almost forgot!! We got here in time to go to orientation at the Mother House. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AWESOMENESS!! I'm going to be working at Daya Dan, a home for older children / teenagers with physical and mental disabilities. I get to be a teacher. I don't know what that means yet, but I'm SO EXCITED!!! I start tomorrow morning. HOORAY!!

Anyway, I should go check my email and such, so I'm going to leave you with that.

Oh wait.

Just so you know.

I got lost today coming back from the Mother House. And people were really, really helpful. And now I'm back. So I know what happens when I get lost. Not that I'm planning on getting lost again. And! Be proud, Dad. There are children grabbing at me for money all over the place, and I haven't given them anything. It's sad. But we spent a long time at orientation learning about how giving people money encourages them to not become self-sufficient. Because most of them actually have money, and they're professional beggars.

I just typed this all in ten minutes. Hooray!

I haven't showered in two days. Proud of me, Domtar?

Okay, all done.


P.S. I'm so happy here, that I cannot put it into words. Thanks for being so supportive. I start working tomorrow. :-)

P.P.S. It's freaking hot. And freaking freaking humid. I need thinner clothing.

P.P.P.S. Prayer request: my friend Matt, who's traveling with me, is super-nervous about being here. Please pray for 1. safety, so he doesn't have to be so actively worried, 2. peace - like what Paul writes in Philippians 4 about not being anxious and presenting all requests to God - that transcends understanding, 3. that I would know how to be comforting, practical, and my usual ridiculously enthusiastic self all at the same time. Yes, I'm nervous, but I'm very confident in God's protection and provision, so it comes across as brash boldness. 4. Most importantly, the people of Kolkata. There's a lot of good going on here, and it's a beautiful city and culture. But there's also a lot of crap going on. Kids being used to get money for drugs, sex trafficking, a LOT of street kids. Please pray that God would provide for them, and that they would somehow be able to get off the streets and become independent.

Okay, now I've typed for 20 minutes. Sorry if this was repetitive. I'm not gonna read through it, because we need to go eat a safe, cooked dinner, made without contaminated water. Promise. :-)

Yes, I'm taking my malaria meds.

Love and samosas,