Friday, March 20, 2009

Quick moment.

Most of this is paraphrasted (paraphrased + pasted) from a message I sent to Josefin.

God did something super this morning. Actually, He did super stuff all day, but this was something I wrote in my journal. I was sitting in a travellers' cafe eating lunch and reading Luke. And because I'm ADD, I was daydreaming while reading the story about the possessed pigs who run off the cliff, thinking about the moment I'm going to see my family in the airport at five AM, and whining in my head about how, even though I really like my family, I also really want to stay in India. And then, while in the midst of my thought stupor, I read this:

"The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying "return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over the town how much Jesus had done for him." - Luke 8:38-39.

When God rocks our world, He doesn't want us to just follow Him along, kissing His feet. We're supposed to thank God for what He's done, and sing praises and all that good stuff. But there's a difference between sitting around thanking God and being motivated by God's love to go actively love. God wants us to run back to the people who knew us BEFORE He rocked our world, and tell them what He's done. More than that, He wants us to show the people closest to us how He's changed us. The guy in Luke 8 had been chained to a rock, hidden away, because He was possessed and unwanted in society. When he went back to town, it must have been obvious how God had healed him. I've written before about how I still don't know quite how God has changed me in India, and I know it's nowhere close to kicking out a legion of demons. But I'm still excited to run back to the US, to telltelltell about the awesome stuff God has done in India.



Love and gogogo,