We all knew this would happen.
Today, the mother of my favourite child in all of India (Dipa) told me that she wants me to adopt Dipa and bring her to America.
For serious.
And I can't, 'cause I'm...
a) 19
b) not married
c) not done with college
d) not planning on settling down with a kid any time soon
e) not fluent in Bangla
However, explaining this to Shoma, Dipa's mother, was not fun.
Especially because, approximately two weeks ago, I posted a picture of Dipa on Facebook and captioned it with "Dipa Sardar. I'm bringing her back to the States with me."
Love and trying-to-not-adopt-a-kid,
(we've been making silly faces at each other since the first day I came to Apne Aap)