Tuesday, December 16, 2008

something amazing

Something incredible happened today. I mean, everything is incredible here. But this was awesome.

I wasn't going to make a blog post today, but this is just too good.

First off, Erica - OMIGOSH I completely understand. Oh man oh man oh man. For sure.

Explanation panda...

So, remember Joy? The little kid with autism who kept pushing me away? Okay, well...keep this all hush hush because I'm technically not supposed to know yet...but... .... ...

Apparently, the first day I was there, a few sisters decided they wanted to place me one on one with Joy. Because his current teacher will be leaving in a week. This is odd, because Joy and I didn't get along AT ALL the first day - in fact, I formed great relationships with everyone BUT Joy on the first day. But apparently someone said I was really patient, and that Joy and I would fit together well. Today, Joy and I STILL didn't connect, and everything with everyone else was STILL wonderful...until after lunch.

But I'm going to start a little earlier in the day.

Breakfast, dangerous taxi ride to Daya Dan (you think Mexico is frightening? ha.), love love love the boys at Daya Dan, prepared my own lesson involving copying numbers, shapes and colours, ended up doing a completely different lesson, fed Siban again (still adorable, ate better today), put the boys to sleep, had lunch. At lunch, I asked Sister Jennifer if I could play the guitar I saw in the attic during rest time. She gave me a "heck yes you can play the guitar" look, but she's a nun, so she said something a little less colloquial. So, after frantically making little Baby Jesus figures for the play tomorrow, while the boys were still sleeping, I grabbed the guitar and headed into the meditation room. Played and sang my usual "I haven't played in awhile" songs - Hear You Me, Everything, Best of Me, Only Hope. Midway through Hear You Me, and I kid you not, Joy walks in. Doesn't run. Walks. Keep in mind that this boy NEVER stops moving. Walks in, sits down in front of me. Barely moves. Listens. Looks AT ME AND THE GUITAR. Please remember - autism - no eye contact, no sitting still. He DID BOTH. FOR THREE MINUTES. Usually, keeping him still for ten seconds is improbable. After three minutes (there was a clock in the room; I timed it), he started licking his hands and plucking the strings while I played. I didn't mind. It was like a little, high-pitched solo above my chords. It was only until Amy walked in that we stopped.

OMIGOSH. This boy, whom I adore, LOVES WHEN I SING AND PLAY GUITAR. And sits still! And focuses!! Llksfjasodifijfkldsfjdiosu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I had just been journaling right before this about how I felt guilty about wanting to play guitar, because I wanted to devote all my time to the kids.

Oh man. God is AWESOME.

I love Kolkata.
(and I love that my middle name is Joy - thanks Mom!)
