Friday, January 9, 2009

TEFL, next lesson, and little notebooks.


I've discovered something that I'm nearly sure I want to do with my life.


Get TEFL certified.

It's a month-long, $1500ish program that gets me certified to teach English abroad, as a foreign language. Which means that I'd be guaranteed jobs pretty much anywhere in the world. Job = money. Money = ability to live somewhere. Teaching = helping people. Teaching English = utter glee. World-traveling = more utter glee. Hurray!

So, um...does anyone know anyone who has been through TEFL certification? There are a gazillion and a half programs out there, and I don't want to choose one that's a scam. Also, I have to figure out when I want to do this. Not any time soon. Maybe the May Term post-graduation?

Mmmkay, that's all for now about TEFL.

And! I figured out what I'm doing for class on Monday. I made little charts with faces and words like "happy" and "sad" and "tired" and "sick" and some other ones. And I'll teach question words, like "why" and "who." And "because." And I made a chart so I can teach all six present-tense conjugations of "to be," including the pronouns that go with them. So theoretically, by the end of class, they'll be able to have this conversation:

"What is your name?"
"My name is Ani."
"What is his name?"
"His name is Raul."
"How are you?"
"I am tired."
"Why? Are you sick?"
"Yes. But I am happy. I am in India!"
"We are sad because you are sick, but we are happy because you are happy."
"We are happy."
"Tik ache."

Ambitious? Yes. But they're smart. And they want to learn. So I'm gonna push them. If it's too much, we'll split it into two days. Sam, thanks for the suggestion about taking the walk! I modified it and made little faces on paper to use for remembering adjectives. ...and I colour-coded them, 'cause I'm a nerd. Yay visual connections! :-)

Also, I'm going to New Market to buy a bunch of little notebooks and pens for my class. And Kalim will help me, so I won't spend a lot of money.

...and I caved and bought a Newsweek today. 60 rupees. Worth it.

Love and teacher-ness,