Saturday, February 28, 2009


Edit: After this making this original post, I've decided that I need to figure out a balance of communication. Thus, I've decided to give up just instant internet and phone communication. I'll keep checking and responding to my email and Facebook and updating this blog, but not very often.

Original post: I've realized that my connections via email, phone, and Facebook have recently caused me to be less dependent on God and much less focused on my work here. I know that communicating less is a selfish thing to do, but I just haven't been devoting myself enough to the work I'm doing in Kolkata because my mind is split between two continents. Thus, I've decided to completely commit myself - mind, body, and spirit - to what I'm doing here. If you really need to contact me, send me an email with a subject line that lets me know. I'll be scanning through my subject lines in my email about once a week. I'm going to try to keep posting on this blog, but it won't be nearly as often.

Quick update - still loving Kalighat, still loving Apne Aap. I'm writing a show with the women of Apne Aap called Asha Kori, which means "I hope". It'll be performed March 8th. Please pray for quick memorization, communication through the language barrier, and good public reception. Pray above all that the women's voices are heard.

Thank you!

Love and Park Circus,


Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds so Realityish- 'I hope'. And perfect for your women. Good luck and good fortune.

As much as I understand feeling less dependent on God because of internet and phone, you also can depend on your friends and family (who can't see or talk to you without those) and know that they depend on you without feeling like it takes away from God. God put your friends and family in your life so you could talk to them, keep them updated when you're so far away, love them, just as we love you. Just to make you think. If you give phone/internet up, it's creating a sacrifice for us too.

scham: How someone who's teeth are stuck together with taffy would say my name.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I like your new idea! *cheers and skips around*

Love you sooooo much!! Miss you!!!!

Naniz: Many nannies on the South Side of Chicago.