Saturday, January 24, 2009

Best. Moment. Ever.

Warning: the following post has nothing to do with anything heart-warming, thought-provoking, or life-changing.

Except that's a lie.
This was one of the most amazing moments of my life.


I don't think anyone could possibly be prepared for this moment.
I sure wasn't.


I was sitting in my room at Hotel Walson with Jill, Jake, Jeff, and Tony. And the fan was spinning quite quickly. So Tony said "that fan's going way too fast" or something like that. And Tony and I had just been discussing the joy of subtle sarcasm, so I responded with...

"That's actually really pretty stationary."
And I didn't say anything else.

About half a minute later, Jill was going through her suitcase, and reappeared with a black, rectangular box containing paper and envelopes. And Tony said something like, "man, that's fancy. I'm not sure what I think of it." And I said...(ready?)...

"That's actually really pretty stationery."


The end.

Love and verbal GLEE,


Len said...

Your father must be proud of you.

Beth Nudelman said...

"That's actually really pretty stationary." Hmmm. Except the really pretty stationery for writing on is spelled with an "e" is it not?
With mucho love your proof-reading mother!

It was great talking to you this morning, and even your Nana agreed that you sound wonderful! Thanks for calling her; I know now that she has heard your voice she will be less worried!

Mom Panda

P.S. My word is skextets. Kind of like sextets. Do skeeters (mosquitoes) come in sets of six?

Anonymous said...

AHHH!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!!! You are a genius!!! HAHA!!!

Please put that on your Facebook quote wall.


sominsau: son of a smurf monkey

Anonymous said...

Ah, Stephanie, I miss you! But thank you for the laugh this post gave me. I'm wonderfully exhausted from God doing crazy things in my life, and catching up on all the things you're doing just re-energized me. Keep enjoying God's work in your life, and please keep sharing!


Chris Lutman said...

rofl :)

Katie Grace said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That is really really really awesome. i would be OOBER OOBER excited about it too if i were you. just thought i'd inform you of that. I LOVE VERBAL GLEE!!!!!! :DDD

dodopo- well, though my initial idea would be the excrement of a dodo bird... i must go with something less gross.... because i must.... umm, a round, orange, rubber ball. made in the region of Dodopo.

(second attempt) antsigh- the sigh of an ant. surprise! :)