Friday, December 5, 2008


My Facebook status currently says "Stephanie is আগ্রহান্বিত."

আগ্রহান্বিত --> Bengali for "eager; zealous; intent; intently desirous; inclined (to); wistful."

I honestly can't read every consonant in it, but it's something like I know some letters. Working on it.

Anyway, finals are next week. I'm done with classes right now. Literally just finished. The work I have to turn in gets turned in on Monday, or emailed over the weekend if I'm ambitious. School is almost done.

It's strange. My last practical criticism class was today. I'm gonna miss that class. I don't think I appreciated it enough while I was still in it. Oh well. I took good notes.

India in five days.
India in five days.
India in five days.

To do:
Open Citibank account.
Get traveler's checks.
Pick up work checks.
Deposit work checks.
Start taking malaria meds so I don't turn into mosquito-woman.
Find out what malaria does so I don't continue to think of it as something that might turn me into a superhero.
Pack (ha).
Learn Bangla.

Sorry, this post isn't very inspirational. It's really just me keeping a record of what I need to do before I leave.

Oh, and pray. I've been doing that, a lot. Not enough, but a lot. I've been told by about five different people in the past week that spiritual warfare is going on like whoa in India, specifically Kolkata, right now. I don't mean literal physical violence - I mean, people are actually doing exorcisms and stuff. There's so much idolatry that demon possession happens all the time. And then exorcisms happen. And demons leave. Lldksfjaljfdslkj!

If you're reading this right now, please pray for India.
Thanks. :-)



Beth Nudelman said...

Ummm. List looks good, except it takes 2 weeks to get a Citibank card, so I think you may be SOL on that one. Did you ever talk to your YWAM friend about how to handle finances? Did you get any financial help from Eastview?

I think vermur (my verification letters) stands for the sound a kitten makes when it is happy but vexed.

Stephanie said...

I've had absolutely no one tell me to do travelers' checks. Everyone says to just bring money and to hide it well. And do a credit card-type thing.

...I need a money belt?

And I'm sending you an email about how much money I got from Eastview. :-)

Beth Nudelman said...

Where do you get a money belt from? I did find a nice around the neck India type thing that you can use - its on my dresser right now.

My word below is poutal. Its how I feel about you being gone for 15 weeks with limited communication!